Chicago's Audio & Visual Pioneers
Who We Are
Technotrix is an Event Production Company founded in 1992 and based out of Chicago, Illinois. Our company was founded with the mission to craft unforgettable live experiences that transcend expectations. Rooted in innovation and a commitment to excellence, we bring the magic of technology to the forefront of event production. Whether it's a concert, a corporate gala, a religious gathering, or an educational seminar, we strive to seamlessly blend creativity, precision, and cutting-edge audiovisual solutions. Our passion lies in transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, leaving an indelible mark on every event we touch.
What We Do
For over 30 years, Technotrix has been providing rental services for industry-leading brands in the staging, audio, lighting, and rigging sectors. Our commitment is not only limited to rental services, we offer Audio and Visual Integration Services and Sales, event logistics advising and transportation, and maintenance services on installed A/V Equipment. Unlike other production companies, our commitment to the job extends beyond most client-servicer relationships. We welcome our clients with open arms and transparency throughout the process and will do everything possible to complete a job with the highest satisfaction and company based standards.